Thursday, September 11, 2008

Coxsackie Virus Invasion!

This isn't the best picture nor is it actually either of the people in my home who have this terrible virus but you get the idea. Lucy and Eric are sick. I took Lucy in to the doctor yesterday because she has been super crabby for the past few days and I thought she had a cold with an ear infection tossed in. I was wrong. Lucy instead has this horrible virus which I can hardly pronounce without being profane. Eric pronounces it as something else completely inappropriate. (I will leave it to your imagination to figure out what that is) Anyway, there is nothing we can do about this virus, just let it run it's course and give Tylenol for the pain. Poor baby. Now I know why she feels so crabby!

On a brighter note, Lucy weighed in at 18 pounds 12 ounces. Not a huge weight gain since it has been almost 2 months since her last appointment. I think the moving around has certainly helped. It definitely is not because she doesn't eat. The girl can pack away the groceries for sure.

I guess this virus usually lasts about a week. I sure hope so. It would be nice to have my happy family back together again.


joanna said...

I hope everyone at your house is back to 100% soon. I also am hoping that you are still able to come to Bible study? Sorry I had to skip out early last night from church -- was hoping to catch more of the worship but the boys were just falling apart. I went and picked up the boys from football. Josh and his friend had wanted to walk so they were disappointed to see me. Sometimes you just can't win!
Started the book last night and I really like it.
see ya

Kelly said...

Thank goodness that isn't your kids mouth- look at all those fillings! The great thing about coxsakie is that they only get in once and then it's done. The boys have probably already had it so you're probably home free! Poor baby, my daycare kids got it and it was very painful for all of them.