Saturday, September 20, 2008

I Love These Three!!!

I have been so tired tonight! I think it is the rain. Fall has finally arrived and I can feel it. I always start craving soups and stews and biscuits and all those types of hearty comfort foods. I was sitting on my couch tonight watching the boys play hide and seek and I just was overwhelmed with a feeling a deep satisfaction and joy.

These little people keep my life so busy and crazy but they are so much fun it definitely is worth it. Even when I have bad days with them I still know what a huge blessing they are in my life.

I thank God for every day I have with them knowing that eventually the day will come when I have to completely let them go.

Until then I will soak up every single crazy fighting filled, tantrum-throwing, snugglicious filled day and consider myself fortunate to have it!

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