Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Too Soon in my Opinion

So last night was our first PTA meeting. It was fine. Eric and I paid our dues and are now official members. It wasn't quite as catty as I thought it may be. Anyway, not the point. We were able to take the kids and they got some pizza for dinner and were to watch a movie while the meeting was going on. We get there and sit down and almost IMMEDIATELY two little girls come up to Andrew and say hi (one of them is in his class). He was excited to see them and said hi back. About 5 minutes later both little girls came back and each one sat on opposite sides of him and said hi. Getting right in his face and smiling real big. Andrew hardly knew where to turn. Two cute little ladies hanging out with him. I think it is entirely too early to be dealing with the opposite sex. I would much prefer Andrew think that girls have cooties (Mom and sister exempt of course). I had to smile at it all but I am now living in dread of the years to come when dating and kissing and crushes and all that comes into play. This is all TOO SOON people!


Kelly said...

He's just too cute! I was madly in love with a little boy in Kindergarten and we used to kiss on the playground, a very torrid love affair of course!

joanna said...

This is too cute! Well, I can see why the little girls would like him. He is much more polite and calm than most boys his age. I know a few boys in his class, they live in my neighborhood. Glad that he is making friends so quickly!