Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fun at the Park

Yesterday we went to the park before the boys swimming lessons. It was a beautiful day and Andrew has been after us to go to the park for weeks. Of course he usually reminds us 3 minutes before we have to leave which gives us no time to play or he will ask when it is raining cats and dogs. Neither situation works for park play. But yesterday he remembered to ask as soon as he came home from school and since it was super gorgeous out we said yes!

This trip was the first time that I have really let Lucy get down and play on the toys. Always before she has been too small or I haven't trusted the other kids or equipment. She was super crabby though and the only thing she seemed to really enjoy was the swing.

Zane was a wild man on the slides. I was feeling a bit distracted and the next thing I knew he was walking down the slide, walking up the slide. I don't allow either of those things so he knew he was doing something naughty.

All in all it was a great time at the park. I hope we will have a few more beautiful days like this before the super cold, wet weather kicks in. It is so hard to be housebound!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love Forest Park, have you taken the kids to the petting zoo recently? I miss that. I love the psycho goats that try and eat your clothes.