Monday, October 20, 2008

Lucy Fern- 9 Months

Today was Lucy's 9 month well child check. She is getting bigger all the time. It always amazes me how fast they grow. Anyway she is doing well and has finally slowed down on the growing curve. I was imagining an amazon on my hands with the way she was growing! Anyway here are the latest stats!

Height 28.5 inches (81%)
Weight 20# 1 oz. (72%)

We will hopefully not have to go to the doctor again until her 1 year check. In other Lucy news she is finally cutting her other top middle tooth. She was up at 1 last night for quite awhile crying. We tylenoled her up good and used some oragel. It seemed to help. Add in some mommy food and she finally went back to sleep. I don't remember the boys being so fussy with the teething but it could just be selective memory!

Finally, I thought I would pass along a story about Zane from this morning. After my shower Zane came tromping up the stairs with the Tonka truck ride on toy. He had a brilliant idea to ride it down the staircase. Eric told him no, I told him no. He insisted yes. Just as I was headed to yank him off the truck he rolled it just forward enough for the front wheels to slip off the top step. Down, down, down the stairs went Zane and the truck. I raced over to the top only to see Zane sprawled out flat on his face upside down on the stairs. The truck made it all the way to the bottom but Zane fell off mid-slide. Once I got him upstairs he ran for one of the bedrooms and shut himself in. He wasn't hurt at all by the fall just scared and mad that he had been wrong and Eric and I were right. I finally went to get him after a few minutes of shrieking. (He absolutely needs some time to calm down before a conversation) We have all decided that it was a bad idea that should not get repeated. I don't think he will do it again though. It scared him pretty good and that usually fixes things for him. Oh the joy of having a child who must figure it out on his own. The teenage years should be tons of fun!


Kelly said...

I can't believe she's been out now as long as she was in. 9 months goes fast! She is just beautiful. I love her eyes and those cheeks. The teething is no fun, William is such a bear about it, and he only has 4 in so far. Ugh! The Zane story is great, so determined. I am glad he didn't get hurt, but I am also happy he didn't make it successfully down the stairs and think it was fun!

Chris and Mandy said...

Soo.. I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but when I was reading this post about Lucy being 9 months it hit me.. it's been about 10 months since we've hung out. Way too long! Eric and Chris have the same nights off so let's get together soon.

Glad Zane wasn't hurt!